Friday, July 18, 2008

People Are So Self-Righteous!

Poor Steven Page.

Not ONLY is his marriage a mess. Not ONLY does he have substance issues. Not ONLY was he caught with it and busted....

No, it's even worse. Busted is the US. Plastered all over Entertainment Tonight and Perez Hilton.

No, it's even worse. Now the band won't be playing Disney or promoting Snacktime at that event.

Nope, worse still. Events are being canceled all over the place.

Even worse; so-called fans are placing judgment on this issue as if they'd been there. As if they knew what demons Steve lives with. As if they knew the details of that night or even the last year. As if they knew what personal hell this must be for him.

No, personal hell is not enough. Somehow, we've got to make it WORSE for him.

I posted on the BNL website that it is too bad so-called fans feel compelled to click on Perez Hilton to view his mug shot. I can admit to being curious. How did he look? I wonder. But I won't do it. I will stand on principle and refrain from standing at the train-wreck that this is and poring over the carnage. I won't click on those links.

Instead, I will continue to groan when I hear of another cancellation for the band. I will continue to wonder how many times Ed (who loves to swear - what a TERRIBLE role model. Read: sarcasm) has uttered his favourite four letter expletives, I will continue to hope that Steve is able to hold his head up through all the media attention, and I will continue to post on the message boards that I am here to offer my support to both him and the band.

This sucks.

It's such a bad train wreck and gets worse by the day. For Steve, for the band, for his family.

But I won't waver.

Hang in there Steve. "When you were born, people looked at you and said, what a smart boy, what a strong boy, what a good boy."


Gimped said...
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Gimped said...

I don't understand the need for Hollywood to plaster "bad gossip" everywhere. Yes, I'm guilty of watching the Entertainment Tonight's and occasionally reading OK magazine, but I try to take everything with a grain of salt. I view it as entertainment and try not to pass judgment on others based on something a gossip mag is telling me.

With regards to the Steve incident, everything seems to have been spun out of proportion, and some things just don't seem right at all. Does anyone know the REAL story of what happened with he and his ex-wife? Does anyone know why the cops had just-cause to enter the house in the first place? Do we really know that the cocaine was actually Steve's? Is anyone thinking about this stuff other than myself? Why does no one care that there may have been a lil' sumpin' funny going on with regards to the cops, or even the girlfriend.

Not to worry Steve. Next week the gossipers will be talking about another Lohan lesbian sighting.

GasbarNut said...

You said it! And it IS very interesting to wonder about the circumstances surrounding the cops showing up and stuff.

And it IS a week later, and it IS dying down quite a bit. I have been on the BNL message boards and hardly anyone is talking about it.