Thursday, July 2, 2009

unfinished business

Sometimes you think to yourself that you'll get to that thing tomorrow or next week or maybe a month from now. Then those times come and go and lo if you forgot to do that thing next week or next month or even a year from now.

But what IF that bus really did hop the curb and knock out all your tomorrows, next weeks or next months? Wouldn't you really wish you'd taken the kids to the zoo, painted the bathroom, lived that life you really want to live?

All this talk lately of past great essays and everyone KNOWING how verbose I am (yes, sorry if I go too fast and say too much and don't wait for you to catch up!!!) has got me to thinking about how I ought to finish that book.

You know, I really OUGHT to paint the bathroom.
I ought to get a new bathroom sink.
I ought to clean out the basement storage room.
I ought to take the kids to the zoo.
And I really ought to finish my novel. It's pretty good actually. People might like to read it. It's never too late for such an endeavour....

stayed tuned.....

1 comment:

Miyuki Mouse said...

Don't know how serious you are about the novel, but there are places you can post your writing online: